
Treated water


Japanese government has decided to release the treated water with less than 1500 becquerels per liter. This concentration is 1/40 of the national standard of 60,000 becquerels.

The national standard of 60,000 becquerels is below the level of health effects if you continue to drink 2 liters daily. Dilute to less than 1500 becquerels, which is more severe.
WHO limits the concentration of tritium contained in drinking water to 10,000 becquerels per liter.

The government’s policy on treated water is less than 1500 becquerels, which is one-seventh.

Treated water is stored in a tank on the Fukushima with 105 ㎥ in March 2018. This is about one baseball stadium (1.24 million ㎥).

The amount of tritium in it is about 1000 trillion becquerels and weighs about 20 g. 20g is for about one package of eye drop.

It is a lie that tritium in treated water will cause health problems if released into the ocean. Tritium has already been released from nuclear power plants in Japan and overseas, but no health hazard has occurred

First of all, sunlight is 7 Quadrillion bq a year, rain is 220 trillion bq a year, and tritium is constantly generated in the natural world.

Regarding the rumor that 70% of all treated water has 62 types of nuclides (ex. cesium and strontium other than tritium such as carbon) which exceed the standard value. ↓

TEPCO has announced the results of the secondary treatment of approximately 2000 tons of radioactive substances other than tritium. Radioactive substances other than tritium have been reduced to about 1/6875, which is below the national standard.

Fukushima is not the only one that releases tritium. It is released all over the world. Also in Fukushima, it is being released from groundwater bypass, sub-drain, etc

The UK, France and Canada release the same or more tritium as the total amount of tritium (2000 trillion Bq) in Fukushima every year. Of course, China and South Korea also release tritium.

先日の処理水についてのツイート内容を@usao2017 さんに全文英訳していただきました!
@usao2017 さんありがとうございます!




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